Images on this page are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This material is intended for talks, presentations and published materials, especially those that describe the history of computer science and the early contributions made in the area of mobile and ubiquitous computing.

    Active Badge Version 1 (1988)

Enabled users to be located in a building: supporting direct messaging, communication and context-aware computing.

  Active Badge Map (1991)

An active map application running in X-windows allowing a  receptionist to easily locate team members.

  PARC-Tab (1992)  

The first Context-Aware Mobile Computer.

Diffuse IR-Transceiver for PARC-Tab (1992)

A diffuse infrared-transceiver providing the networking and contextual  infrastructure needed by the PARC-Tab. It was deployed as a micro-cellular system, with one transceiver per room.

 Hikari (1999) 

A personal digital assistant with an inertial sensing UI. Supporting auto-configuration of portrait and landscape mode, by rotating the device; list scrolling by tilting and selection with a grip-clutch; and a ball-bearing (or bubble) selector shown here for selection of items from a grid.

The Intel Personal Server (2005) 

Casting its desktop, file system, audio and video files to nearby screens. Later versions where integrated into a smartphone.

 Android Wi-Fi RTT based indoor Navigation. (2018)

 An application built to demonstrate the IEEE 802.11mc API available since Android P.

Please contact roywant at gmail if you have any questions.